Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My Dad wasn't much in the advice department, but one thing he did tell me was "Always buy a Chevy, because anyone, anywhere can fix it." This was back in the day when one could simply pop the hood and tinker around a bit to get a car running smoothly. Contrast to this past week when I had my windshield replaced (flying rock), which included a separate trip to the dealer to have the lane-departure alert cameras reset, and oh, by the way, there is an electrical something-or-other recall, blah, blah, blah. Technology is positive in many ways, but simplification is not one of them.

This brought our "Keep It Simple" slogan to  mind, always a good reminder for this complicated brain. One of my 20+ groups (we call ourselves, "Too Old to Give a F***") met last Tuesday, and most of us acknowledged an internal urge for open spaces and simplifying as the seasons change from summer to fall - taking a deep breath, reflecting on a lovely summer, and becoming aware of the need for a step back to enjoy the simple pleasures of raking leaves, harvesting the last tomatoes, appreciating cool mornings.

I've noticed "calendar creep" these last few weeks - filling in the empty spots I've learned to protect. As tempting as it is to say "Sure!" I know that I function better in the world when self-care is my priority. This doesn't mean a month without plans, but it does point towards balance: friend time/solitude, active/passive pursuits. I've come to understand that balance is an ideal - not homeostasis, but a flow from one end of the continuum to the other. It's when I allow myself to operate on auto-pilot that I need to put up the internal "Stop!" sign and reevaluate.

Time, and how I spend it is another of my recurring themes, but isn't that what long term recovery is about? Dozens of inventories later, I understand most of what trips me up, and recognize my defects/defenses/patterns before they take complete control. What joy! I recently read an article in Time magazine that older people (& kids) are happiest. I get it. While not every day, in every way, I'm definitely centered and serene more days than not. And I'm pretty optimistic to begin with, so if there is more of that on the horizon, I'm in!

Something that has brought unexpected joy recently is my newly re-upped library card. I hadn't been to a library in years, as in decades. I like(d) to buy books, to own them - see my old friends on the shelf. But, part of preparing for retirement is my plan to de-clutter, and to save money - hence the library card. I've been twice, and have another book on hold. What freedom! I don't need to commit to a particular title - I can check it out, and if I don't like it, back in the slot it goes! And it feels like a tangible step towards my two(ish) year goal. Paying down the mortgage is one thing. Carrying home a book or two is real and solid and now.

So as I dive into a new stack of reading material and watch for the leaves to turn, I will be mindful of the daily inventory - am I centered today? If not, how will I refocus towards my priorities? One of my favorite Alanon readings reminds me that what is urgent is rarely important, and what is important is rarely urgent. Exactly.

Keep It Simple is a great slogan. Which one(s) do you rely on to steer yourself back on track? Are there any shifts in your external or internal world as the seasons change?

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