Wednesday, March 20, 2019

I sometimes worry about being repetitive in these weekly posts - as I've said, there are no new ideas. But, isn't that what we do in recovery? Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repetition, especially at the beginning, is essential. Don't drink and go to meetings. Keep coming back. The simple slogans evolve to dinner before or after the meeting, coffee dates with sponsors or sponsees, step groups and speaker meetings. And then, taking it on the road to conferences, or to the great big world and meetings in different states and foreign lands.

I find comfort and a sense of safety in the sameness, exhaling as I settle in and listen to How it Works for the 1,000th time. There is an aspect of ritual in what we do - the readings, pausing for the 7th, our cadence as we speak from the heart.

For so long, the ritual and routine of working a program required effort and attention. Over time, the pattern of my sober life became simply, my life. What I initially described as "sober friends," became simply friends. Sober dancing is now just dancing. Sober fun, just plain old fun. Fun coupled with spirit - an awesome combination in whatever form that takes.

Outsiders may not think of ours as a particularly spiritual path (other than those who think we're a cultish religion), were they to hear the "F" bombs and the laughter as we describe horrendously painful events. But there is something supremely sacred and holy in the laying bare of our souls, in the way we surround the newcomer with love and practical suggestions, in the ache in our hearts when we hit our knees and say, "Please..."

We use the term, "working a program" to describe so much. The phrase used to baffle me - what do you mean work the steps? In general, it goes back to the basics of not drinking and going to meetings, applying the principles of honesty, open-mindedness and willingness to our troubles and our successes, changing our way of being in the world.

And today, on this vernal equinox, my way of being in the world is full of joy and hopeful anticipation. Yes, the rains will return (like, tomorrow), but I'm a glass half full kind of gal, and today the glass is overflowing.

Where are you in the spot-check inventory department? As the seasons change, is there anything you'd like to let go of, or bring into your life? What about those new year's intentions? 

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